how to catch shad
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How to Catch Shad: The Ultimate Guide

Are you ready to dive into the world of shad fishing? In this ultimate guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about catching shad, from the best techniques to the essential gear.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the behavior of shad is crucial for successful fishing.
  • Shad can be found in different locations depending on the season.
  • Spring, summer, fall, and winter each require specific techniques and strategies.
  • A proper bait tank is essential for keeping shad alive during your fishing trip.
  • Tips for maintaining the bait tank and keeping shad alive include temperature control, aeration, and proper culling techniques.

Understanding Shad Behavior

Before you embark on your shad fishing adventure, it’s crucial to understand the behavior of these elusive fish and where and when to find them. Shad are known for their migratory patterns, and their locations and activity levels vary depending on the season.

In the spring, shad can be found in the backs of coves and creeks or around lights in the early morning. They are attracted to these areas as they provide a sense of security and warmth. Shad are known to spawn in freshwater areas, making the backwaters of coves and creeks prime fishing locations during this time.

As summer arrives, shad tend to move to more open areas such as marinas or the mouths of creeks and coves. These areas offer ample food sources and cooler temperatures compared to the deeper waters. Fishing near structures and drop-offs within marinas can be particularly productive during the summer months.

During the fall season, shad start to move back into creeks and coves, following their instinct to find spawning grounds. However, cold fronts can push them into deeper water, so it’s important to adapt your fishing tactics accordingly. Pay attention to weather patterns and the impact of temperature changes on shad behavior.

In the winter, shad gather in dense schools, making it important to be in the right place to catch them. They often seek out areas with slower currents and deeper water. Look for slower-moving stretches of rivers or reservoirs with adequate depths to locate these schools. Patience and persistence are key when fishing for shad in the winter.

SeasonShad Fishing Locations
SpringBacks of coves, creeks, around lights
SummerMarinas, mouths of creeks, coves
FallCreeks, coves (watch for cold fronts)
WinterSlower-moving stretches of rivers, reservoirs

Understanding shad behavior is crucial to successful fishing. By knowing where shad are likely to be during each season, you can increase your chances of landing a catch. Remember to observe environmental factors and adjust your fishing techniques accordingly. With the right knowledge and preparation, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled shad angler.

Spring Shad Fishing Techniques

Spring is an exciting time for shad fishing, and in this section, we will explore the most effective techniques and bait recipes to catch these silver beauties during this season. Shad can be found in the backs of coves and creeks, or around lights in the early morning. To increase your chances of success, consider the following techniques:

  1. Cast netting: Using a cast net is a popular method for catching shad in the spring. Cast the net into areas where shad are known to gather, such as shallow coves or near bridge pilings. With practice, you’ll be able to quickly and efficiently catch a large number of shad.
  2. Jigging: Another effective technique is jigging. Attach a brightly colored jig to your line and drop it vertically into the water column. Vary the depth and retrieve speed until you find the right combination that triggers a shad bite. This technique works particularly well when shad are suspended in deeper water.
  3. Using shad darts: Shad darts are small, weighted lures designed to mimic the natural movement of shad. They are effective when retrieved at a steady pace, imitating the swimming action of shad. Experiment with different colors and sizes to find the combination that entices the most bites.

When it comes to bait recipes, there are several options that can attract shad during the spring:

“One popular bait recipe for shad fishing in the spring is a mixture of cornmeal and bread dough. Combine equal parts of these two ingredients and form small, doughy balls. Shad are attracted to the scent and texture of this bait, making it an excellent choice. Additionally, using shad or herring as bait can be highly effective, as shad are naturally drawn to the scent of their own species.”

By utilizing these techniques and bait recipes, you’ll increase your chances of catching shad during the spring season. Remember to always check local fishing regulations and obtain the necessary permits before heading out. Happy shad fishing!

Shad Fishing TechniquesBait Recipes
Cast nettingCornmeal and bread dough
JiggingShad or herring
Shad darts 

Summer Shad Fishing Strategies

As the temperature rises, shad change their behavior, and in this section, we will uncover the best techniques and tips for successful shad fishing during the summer. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a beginner, these strategies will help you make the most of your summer shad fishing trips.

During the summer months, you’ll find shad in marinas or in the mouths of creeks and coves. These areas provide the perfect habitat for shad, as they offer plenty of food and cover. To increase your chances of catching shad, try trolling or casting lightweight lures near the surface. Shad are known to feed near the top during summer, so using lures that mimic their natural prey will attract their attention.

Another effective technique for summer shad fishing is using live bait. Shad have a keen sense of smell, so using fresh bait such as shad minnows or shad guts can entice them to bite. Make sure to use a bait tank to keep your live bait lively and active throughout your fishing trip. A bait tank with proper temperature control and aeration will help keep the shad alive and increase your chances of success.

Summer Shad Fishing Tips
1. Time your fishing trips: Shad are most active during early morning or late evening, so plan your fishing trips accordingly.
2. Experiment with different lures: Shad can be picky eaters, so try using a variety of lures to find what they’re biting on that day.
3. Pay attention to water temperature: Shad prefer water temperatures between 60°F and 75°F, so focus your efforts in areas where the water is within this range.


“During the summer, shad can be found in marinas or in the mouths of creeks and coves.”

By following these strategies and tips, you’ll be well on your way to catching shad during the summer months. Remember to adapt your techniques based on the behavior of the shad and the specific conditions of the water you’re fishing in. With practice and persistence, you’ll become a skilled shad angler and enjoy a rewarding summer fishing season.

Recommended Gear for Summer Shad Fishing
Rod and reel:Choose a lightweight spinning rod and reel combo that can handle the weight of the lures you’ll be using. A medium-action rod with a fast or extra-fast tip is ideal for shad fishing.
Lures:Opt for small crankbaits, spoons, or soft plastic swimbaits that resemble the shad’s natural prey. Experiment with different colors and sizes to find what works best on any given day.
Bait tank:Invest in a good quality bait tank with temperature control and aeration. This will ensure your live bait stays alive and active throughout your fishing trip.

Fall Shad Fishing Tactics

The arrival of fall brings new opportunities for shad fishing, and in this section, we will delve into the tactics and locations that yield the best results during this season. As shad move back into creeks and coves, anglers need to be aware of the impact of cold fronts, which can push the shad into deeper water. With the right techniques and knowledge, you can increase your chances of a successful fishing trip.

Locating Shad

During the fall, shad can be found in the shallower waters of creeks and coves. Look for areas with vegetation or structure, as shad tend to gather around these areas for protection and food. Pay attention to changes in water temperature, as shad prefer slightly cooler water during the fall months. Additionally, keep an eye out for bird activity, as diving birds can indicate the presence of shad.

Tactics and Techniques

To catch shad during the fall season, it’s important to adjust your tactics and techniques. Since the shad may be in deeper water due to cold fronts, consider using deeper-diving lures or weighted rigs to reach the desired depth. Jigging can also be effective, as it mimics the movement of the shad’s natural prey. Experiment with different retrieval speeds and patterns to find what works best.

Pro Tip: When fishing for shad in the fall, try using a combination of bright colors and natural patterns to attract their attention. Shad are attracted to both flashy and natural-looking lures, so having a variety of options in your tackle box can increase your chances of success.


Fall is a prime time for shad fishing, and understanding the tactics and locations that work best during this season can greatly enhance your chances of a successful catch. Remember to adapt your techniques according to the behavior of shad in response to cold fronts, and be sure to vary your lures and colors to entice their interest. With patience and persistence, you’ll be reeling in shad throughout the fall season.

Fall Shad Fishing Tips
Look for areas with vegetation or structure.
Pay attention to changes in water temperature.
Watch for bird activity, as it can indicate the presence of shad.
Use deeper-diving lures or weighted rigs to reach deeper water.
Experiment with different retrieval speeds and patterns.
Try using bright colors and natural patterns to attract shad.

Winter Shad Fishing Strategies

Don’t let the cold keep you away from shad fishing! In this section, we will share the most effective strategies and gear to help you hook those winter shad. As the temperature drops, shad tend to group up in dense schools, making it crucial to be in the right place at the right time. Let’s explore some key techniques to maximize your winter shad fishing success.

1. Locate the Shad

During the winter months, shad seek out deeper water where temperatures are more stable. Start by checking deep pockets and channels, particularly close to dams where shad congregate. Look for areas with structure such as drop-offs, ledges, and submerged vegetation. Using a fishfinder can greatly assist in identifying these prime locations, increasing your chances of finding those winter shad hotspots.

2. Downsize Your Bait and Lures

With the colder water temperatures, shad can become less active and more selective in their feeding. It’s essential to downsize your bait and lures to match their preferences. Try using smaller jigs, spoons, or soft plastics in natural shad colors. Consider using baitfish imitations or live bait such as minnows or worms to entice those sluggish winter shad into striking.

3. Optimize your Gear

To effectively catch winter shad, you’ll need the right gear. Opt for a light to medium-action spinning rod and reel combo, spooled with a low-diameter, high-visibility fishing line. This setup will allow for casting accuracy and sensitivity, crucial for detecting those subtle winter shad bites. Additionally, adjust your fishing techniques to a slower, more finesse approach, as the cold water causes shad to become lethargic.

Recommended Winter Shad Fishing GearDescription
Light to Medium-Action Spinning Rod and Reel ComboOffers casting accuracy and sensitivity.
Low-Diameter, High-Visibility Fishing LineAllows for better line management and bite detection.
Small Jigs, Spoons, or Soft PlasticsDownsized baits to match shad preferences.
Live Bait (Minnows or Worms)A natural option to entice sluggish winter shad.

“The key to successful winter shad fishing is adapting to their behavior and preferences. Downsize your baits, locate their deep-water haunts, and adjust your techniques accordingly. With the right gear and strategies, you’ll be reeling in those winter shad despite the cold.” – Experienced Angler

By following these proven strategies and equipping yourself with the right gear, you’ll be well-prepared for winter shad fishing. Remember to be patient and persistent as shad can be more challenging to catch during this time. So bundle up, grab your gear, and go hook those winter shad!

The Importance of a Proper Bait Tank

Keeping your shad alive and healthy is crucial for a successful fishing trip, and in this section, we will discuss the importance of a proper bait tank and how to set it up for optimum results.

A bait tank is a specialized container that allows you to keep your shad alive and in good condition until you are ready to use them as bait. It is essential to have a well-designed bait tank that meets the specific needs of shad. The tank should have a pump to fill and drain water, ensuring a constant flow of fresh water for the shad. This helps maintain the right temperature and oxygen levels, keeping the shad stress-free and lively.

When setting up your bait tank, choose a plastic tub that is large enough to hold an adequate number of shad, yet small enough to fit comfortably on your boat or fishing spot. The size of the tub will depend on the amount of shad you plan to catch and use. It’s important to avoid overcrowding the tank, as this can lead to stress and physical injury.

Components of a Proper Bait Tank:Benefits:
Water pumpProvides continuous flow of fresh water
Plastic tubAllows for easy transportation and observation
Temperature controlMaintains optimal water temperature for shad
Aeration systemEnsures sufficient oxygen levels for shad
Culling tubAllows for culling and counting bait before transferring to the tank

Proper temperature control and aeration are critical factors in keeping shad alive. Shad prefer water temperatures between 50-70°F (10-21°C), so it’s important to monitor and adjust the tank’s temperature accordingly. Additionally, adequate aeration ensures that the water is rich in oxygen, creating a healthy environment for the shad. An aeration system, such as an air stone or diffuser, can be used to oxygenate the water and prevent the shad from becoming stressed or suffocating.

In conclusion, investing in a proper bait tank is essential for shad fishing success. By providing a suitable environment with the right temperature, oxygen levels, and space, you can ensure that your shad remain lively and attractive to the fish you are targeting. Follow the setup guidelines discussed in this section, and you’ll be well on your way to having a productive and enjoyable shad fishing experience.

Tips for Keeping Shad Alive

To increase your chances of catching shad, it’s essential to keep them alive and in optimal condition. In this section, we will share valuable tips to ensure your shad stay lively and ready to be used as bait.

First and foremost, you’ll need a good bait tank to keep your shad alive. A bait tank should have a pump to fill and drain the tank, allowing for a constant flow of fresh water. This helps maintain oxygen levels and removes waste, keeping the shad healthy. Consider using a plastic tub for culling and counting bait before transferring them to the tank. This will help you keep track of the number of shad and select the liveliest ones to use as bait.

Temperature control is crucial for the survival of shad. Keep the water temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, as this is the range shad prefer. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature and make adjustments if necessary. Additionally, maintain proper aeration in the tank to ensure the shad have enough oxygen. An aerator or air stone can help distribute oxygen evenly throughout the tank and keep the shad lively.

Culling is an important technique to maintain the quality of your bait. Remove any weak or sick shad from the tank as they can affect the health of the others. Regularly inspect the shad and remove any that show signs of stress or illness. By keeping your bait tank clean and culling the shad when needed, you’ll have a better chance of attracting fish with healthy, lively shad.


In summary, keeping shad alive requires a well-maintained bait tank with temperature control and proper aeration. Culling the shad regularly and keeping the tank clean are also essential for maintaining the quality of your bait. By following these tips, you’ll increase your chances of success in catching shad and attracting the fish you desire.


Congratulations! You now have all the knowledge you need to embark on your shad fishing journey. We hope this guide has equipped you with the skills and insights to catch shad successfully.

Catching shad can be a challenging but rewarding experience. Understanding their behavior and knowing the best techniques for each season will greatly increase your chances of success. In the spring, you can find them in the backs of coves, creeks, and around lights in the early morning. During the summer, they can be found in marinas or in the mouths of creeks and coves. In the fall, they move back into creeks and coves, but be aware of the impact of cold fronts. And in the winter, they form dense schools that require specific techniques and equipment to catch.

One important aspect of shad fishing is having a proper bait tank to keep the shad alive. This includes a pump to fill and drain the tank, as well as a plastic tub for culling and counting bait before transferring them to the tank. Temperature control and proper aeration are crucial for the well-being of your shad. By following these tips and using the right equipment, you can ensure the survival of your bait and maximize your chances of a successful fishing trip.

So, gather your gear, head to the best shad fishing locations, and put your newfound knowledge into practice. With patience and persistence, you’ll soon be reeling in shad like a pro. Good luck and happy fishing!


How do I catch shad?

To catch shad, you can use techniques such as casting nets, fishing with jigs, or using shad darts. It’s important to locate their preferred areas based on the season and time of day.

Where can I find shad in the spring?

In the spring, shad can be found in the backs of coves and creeks or around lights in the early morning.

Where can I find shad in the summer?

During the summer, shad can be found in marinas or in the mouths of creeks and coves.

Where can I find shad in the fall?

In the fall, shad move back into creeks and coves, but cold fronts can push them into deeper water.

Where can I find shad in the winter?

In the winter, shad group up in dense schools. It’s important to be in the right place to catch them.

How do I keep shad alive during fishing?

To keep shad alive, it’s crucial to have a good bait tank with proper temperature and aeration. You should also use a pump to fill and drain the tank and a plastic tub for culling and counting bait before transferring them to the tank.

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